Friday, March 19, 2010


I have high blood pressure.

Or at least I'm reasonably certain I do.

A few years back at a Dr appointment my Dr told me my blood pressure was slightly high. Because it was only slightly elevated she wasn't concerned.

Yesterday I went to donate blood for the first time. The RN took my blood pressure (I ended up bruised from the damn cuff) and said my systolic was high. She figured that was partially due to nerves from that being my first donation, however said it was higher (despite the nerves) that she'd like to see it. I registered 155/? (I don't remember what it was over. For some reason 87 rings a bell but I'm not sure).

Fatigue/tiredness and headache are often signs of elevated blood pressure.

I am tired 95% of the time. And I have frequent headaches.


I'm not even 30 yet and I'm potentially facing high blood pressure issues? I knew there was a reason I started exercising and eating better.

I'm going to mention it to mom (who is a nurse) and see what she thinks. I know losing weight is a must as is continuing to eat well.

Jeepers. This just isn't something I ever expected to possibly have to deal with. Though I'm not quite sure what I expected having been over weight now for several years - one's body can only do so much when you don't look after it.

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