Friday, March 12, 2010

Sunny days are here again!

I'm loving the sunshine! The weather this past week has been soooo nice. There have been a few days where the temps have been warm, but even if the temp is around zero it is so much easier to handle when its sunny!

My roomie and I went for a quick walk the other day. I don't think we went very far. It was rather chilly and she wasn't feeling well.

Then a friend and I got together on Wed and went for a walk with her too cute 2 month old daughter, Hannah. Again, didn't go far. Though something is better than nothing, right.

Today I walked around the frog pond again. I love it there. You're still in the city but feel like you're not. Its great.

So I've allotted 1km for the two mini walks earlier this week and the 3km I did today for a total of 4kms.

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