There are things in life that make me happy, that make me smile, but are they my passion? I've done a bit of reading lately on how to discover one's passion (mostly done to avoid studying for my exam that is tomorrow that I have yet to crack a book for....clearly school is not one of my passions!). I'm not expecting an article to clearly point it out for me: "Hey Erin, THIS is YOUR passion in life. Here ya go! Enjoy!". I'm hoping that it gets me thinking, gets the brain juices flowing and may possibly point me in the right direction in coming to figure it all out.
What do you find easy?
Usually what you find easy to do will be related to what you are passionate about. Good at playing piano? You'll find the task easier and therefore more enjoyable. Fun leads to happiness and happiness often leads to passion. Take a look at everything you do, particularly those things you find fun and easy, this may well lead you to your passion.
What sparks your creativity?
Think of something in your life where you seem to always expand its horizon, always coming up with new, fun and exciting ideas relating to the subject.
What would you do for free?
Since most things these days are driven by the almighty dollar. Unfortunately this drives most people to focus on making money first not on what makes them happy. Doing what makes you the happiest without thinking about whether or not it will make you rich you will end up being successful. Doing what you are passionate about brings out your best which leads to greatness.
What do you like to talk about?
The topics of our conversations can definitely tell us what we are interested in, and are great ways to find out what we really enjoy in life. Often we are not aware of these things. Which is why it may be a good idea to ask a few friends. Ask them what they feel you like to talk about the most. Ask them what topic(s) make your eyes light up and change your overall behaviour in that moment.
What makes you unafraid of failure?
When we do what we are passionate about we have total confidence in our abilities. This makes us not worry about failing. How can we fail when we are doing what we absolutely love?
What would you regret not having tried?
We all have dreams, and somehow life pushes us in many directions away from these dreams. If you were at the end of your life what would you regret not having tried? What would you have liked to do, but didn't? There is nothing worse that coming to the end of a journey with regrets. Live your life without regrets.
I want to find something that excites me, that gets me, willingly, out of bed early on a Saturday morning. I want to find that something (or somethings) that have me screaming "I'M ALIVE!" from the rooftops. I want to not be afraid to try new things, and not be afraid to make mistakes along the way. And time. I need to stop using the "I'm so busy, I don't have time" excuse. Really, Erin? Really? You're not that busy. Yeah, I work full time and am doing an part time online course, but thats it. I have time. Stop making excuses.
I am secretly envious of those out there who live their lives with such enthusiasm. Thats not to say I want to be one of those nausiatingly bubbly people (I work with one of those, and she irritates the crap out of me), but I want to be enthusiastic about something in my life. I want something to get my blood flowing, wakes up my brain and gets me jazzed. I'm sure this won't be an overnight process, but hopefully I'll have an Oprah "a-ha" moment before too long and will be well on my way to living my passion.
"The most powerful weapon on Earth is the human soul on fire" -Field Marshal Ferdinand Foch
I remember I posted a huge blog post about this exact thing a year or two ago. I was stumped. I didn't know what my passion was... and it was odd. Shouldn't I have one? How can I find out what it is? I found it frustrating, especially since most people around me have them!!! All of a sudden, things started to fall into place and my passions fell right in front of my face. It will happen and you'll find that thing to make you jump out of bed. :) Keep it on the backburner of your mind, that you want to find it... and you eventually will.