Red, yellow, blue, green, orange....and everything above, beyond and inbetween. (I'm not even sure how to get this entry started....discussing such a topic wouldn't normally have me stumbling, however I'm now on edge about it and am fearful I will say something that gets misconstrued. I'm even doubting my use of correct terms.) So, here goes... I was recently accused of being racist. I've been called names, I've been criticized, I've had people say some not very nice things to me. Nothing has stung and been as hurtful as being called a racist. -
Racism: -noun 1)a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others 2) hatred or intolerance of another race or races No, no no no
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!! This is so not me. This is so not anyone I know. I admit I did grow up in a small Nova Scotia town. Diversity wasn't something my little fishing town was known for. Yes, we had a variety of people but the majority of the population was, and still is, caucasian. However, my parents, as did most parents, taught to be open and accepting of others, regardless of their shape, size or the color of their skin. There were a few people in my town who were intolerant, however my family were not among them. I have a fairly diverse group of friends of varying shapes, sizes and colors. They are from various places around the world, have different religious beliefs, family upbringings, and sexual orientations. When this lady accused me of being racist I wanted to provide her with list of phone numbers for my friends so they could tell her for themselves that I am not, in fact, a racist. Some of my favorite guests and clients at work are of varying ethnicities. I personally find people of varying backgrounds, upbringings and ethnicities to be fascinating. I enjoy hearing how the various factors influence and have shaped them to who they are now. Whether it be someone with a not so great upbringing or someone who had a fabulous one, I enjoy (is enjoy the right word?) hearing and learning about the various people and cultures out there. I have been off work for a few days. This incident took place during my last shift at work. We've had a large conference of a few hundred people of a certain ethnicity inhouse all week. I am terrified to go back. What has this lady told the others about me? Not only does it reflect terribly on me, it reflects horribly on the hotel. I'm honestly anxious and nervous. I've done this line of work for 12 years. You don't make it 12 years on the front desk of various hotels if you're racist. My boss and others are telling me to not worry, don't let it bother me. Yeah, how do I don't let something like that bother me? How do I not take it personally? How do I not feel on edge? I feel like I could burst into tears at the drop of a hat. This isn't someone saying they disagree with me on a certain topic. This is someone telling me I don't like people who aren't blonde haired and blue eyed. Thats big. Huge. And it couldn't be further from the truth if it tried. PS: sorry the formatting on this entry sucks. I've formatted and reformatted and editted.....I can't get the paragraphs to separate. Ugh.