I have noticed lately there has been a theme, a common topic among my talkers. The topic, you ask?
I can always tell when the topic is going to be sex related. It usually starts with them saying something like "I did something bad".
I like sex. You, presumably, like sex. Most everyone likes sex.
I've done it. You, again presumably, have done it. Lots of people have done it.
I've been known to talk about it. I'm sure you've talked about it. Lots of people have talked about it.
However, I have to draw the line when it gets down to the nitty gritty details.
I have one girl at work who has deemed it OK to give me all the details of her sessions with her *uck buddy. I'm not talking "yeah, last night was good" I'm talking what she did, what he did, how many times she, well yeah...you ge the picture.......she even went so far as to tell me his manlihood is pierced and exactly what that felt like. Oh, and don't forget his magic tongue ring.
Seriously. Even after telling her I didn't want to know these details she kept right on going. She even laughed when I told her to knock it off. Seriously?!
Why? Why do some people think its OK to share these details? Like I was telling a good friend of mine: if it were her and I having that convo it wouldn't have been all that strange. But someone I'm not really friends with outside of work? Strange. Definitely strange. And most definitely awkward.
You should make up a sex story and tell her. Like, a furry story LOL