"After a girl is grown, her little brothers - now her protectors - seem like big brothers." -Astrid Alauda
This sums up my relationship with my brothers perfectly.
My brothers are 4 years and 13 years, respectively, my juniors. It has been the past 2 years that I have noticed a shift. Though they are chronologically my little brothers, they are now my big brothers. They are both fiercely protective of me. They both say any guy I meet is going to have to meet their approval before they get my parents' approval - instead of having my father waiting at the door with a, hypothetical, shotgun I have two brothers. And goodness help anyone who should mistreat me.
They are my little-big brothers, I love them to the end of the earth. I'm hugely proud of each of them and are proud to call them mine.
aww :)