-am housesitting this week for my aunt and uncle while they are away in Florida. Looking forward to having my own space for a week. I enjoy my roomies but having my own space, and quiet will be nice.
-cut ties (not that there was much for ties in place) with a guy I had been talking to. And it sounds like it may have been the right decision: he seems a little, um, unstable.
-am talking to another guy. We have many things in common, which is kinda strange. He's, physically, more the kind of guy I gravitate to: he's 6'2" and just a big guy. And yes by big I do mean BIG...he is overweight, which isn't exactly what I'm going for, but he looks like a big teddy bear! And he has a cat, named Buddy. Who doesn't love a cat named Buddy? ;-) Oh, and bonus points: he doesn't live with his parents, unlike Mr. Unstable. Yes, he lives in the same apartment building as them, however he doesn't live WITH them.
-I have a midterm to write next week for my course. I don't want to. I don't want to study. I suck at writing tests as I don't absorb the info. And of course the exam is all essay questions. Awesome. I can't wait for this course to be over. I like the idea of school but once I'm there I hate it. There is a part 2 of this course that at this point I'm unsure if I'll actually do.
-Work continues to go well. My responsibility level and workload has gotten bigger, which is fine. It at least gives me something to do instead of staring at the wall for 8hrs a day.
-Still seeing a chiropractor, and am still poor because of it. Thankfull we're down to one visit a week instead of twice a week. She is quite pleased with the results. Things aren't quite where she wants them yet but progress is being made. As I'm still very tight I need to enlist the help of a massage therapist. However my chiro has said I release better now, and things are staying put between visits. My headaches have decreased, which is good. I still have them but I get one or two a week instead of having a headache daily. So things are definitely going in the right direction.
-As I mentioned in my other post I ordered a new lens for my camera, and am quite excited about it. It'll be a few weeks before it gets here though. I can't wait to play with it and see what kind of results I can get with it. Still hunting for decent photo editting software that is either free (preferrable) or cheap.
-I love my brother's gf, I really do, however she makes me crazy. Yesterday I see she was no longer on Facebook. Bells go off in my head. In the past his or her involvement (or lack thereof) on Facebook has been an indicator of problems in their relationship. So when I see she's not on FB anymore I start thinking the worst. So I shoot off a text to my brother asking if everything is OK. He doesn't respond. Is no news good news? I worry all day. She's threatened to pack up and take the kids a few times in the past, so I jump to conclusions thinking this is what is happening. I'm terrified I won't see my nieces again. I log in this morning, and she's back on FB. Ok, that must be a good sign. I just wish she wasn't so off kilter that when stuff like this happened we all didn't panic and get worried.
And I think that is all for this post...