I've been thinking about this for awhile (months, actually) and have been giving it some serious thought since learning people have been taking my photos without my permission.
You'll notice I've left some of my photos just as they are. But some of my personal faves and the ones that seem to have generated the most feedback, I took off FB temporarily, added borders and a signature to them to make it, hopefully, a little more difficult for people to just take them. Or at least if they take them it'll make it more difficult to do with them what they want.
Right now they're signed with "E. Page", which is fine. But I want something else. I want a fun name to stamp my photos with.
However, my creative juices floweth not.
I seriously can't come up with anything. I know a lot of people opt to stick with JOE BLOW PHOTOGRAPHY as it links the photo to a personal name. Which I get. I'm not looking to start a business or anything, I just want something fun to use instead of "E. Page".
I know of a photographer around here whose name is "Century Classic Photography", there's also "Flashback Photography", and "Scuffed Boots Photography". I like them all. Mybe I could amalgamate them into one? Classic Boots Flashback Photography? No?
Any thoughts? Throw 'em out there. A creative brain I have not. I can't come up with a single one.
haha...yeah, Flip the Page may not work so well!