Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hi, my name is Erin....

...and I'm a carbaholic.

Diet week 1- hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.......

If you didn't catch that, that translates to "not going well". Like, at all.

Carbs? Yes please. In mass quantities? Oh, yes please!

I do realize that carbs are not the enemy all the time, in moderation they are OK. This week has been carbs with a side of carbs.

No, I'm not kidding.

I haven't had any pop, no candy, chocolate, chips....none of that stuff. So in that respect I'm doing OK. The rest of it, not so much. And I'm not entirely sure how to get it under control either.

Oh, and I haven't started exercising yet. My new DVDs came in and remain in the box in which they were shipped.



  1. I have to count calories and nutrition else I over eat. I also count the estimated calories burned for activities to help motivate myself to exercise.

    I think it's good you didn't eat candy, chocolate, pop, chips, etc. Small changes can still reach a result.

    Which DVDs did you get? I have many but am always looking for more! :-)

  2. What's this thing I hear about you taking a course??

    PS - You can DO IT!

  3. What's really worked for me is the buddy system. Each week my friend and I have 2 challenges we do, and we get a point for each thing we complete. Now in week 7, we have 14 things to do a day. But, slowly eliminating one thing at a time, one week at a time? That's been the biggest help for me. One week-cut out bread. The next-pasta. Or, limit "bad" carbs to one meal a day, or something like that.


Penny for your thoughts?