Thursday, January 6, 2011

Change + Work

Things at work are FINALLY changing. Finally. And not a moment too soon.

In effort to try to keep things simple:
D = my fellow supervisor
G = former boss
K = my new boss
C = hotel manager
KM, J, C = rest of my department team

Ok, I got a phone call yesterday morining saying G has been released from his duties effective immediately. No big surprise. We've all been waiting for it to happen. While I like G his management is craptacular. There has been a list of stuff a mile long over the past few months that he has done (or not done) that hasn't sat well with myself and D, and when C started a few months ago he started to notice the same things. Essentially D and I were being handed the shitty end of the stick over and over and over.....always working weekends, every single holiday, having a set schedule (which does have its benefits - but gets boring quickly) blah blah....the list could go on. C announced that K would be our new department manager. She's been at the hotel for about 5 years (her and I went to school together).

Anyway, C called D and I in for a meeting yesterday afternoon with himself and K. The first thing C said to D and I was "Firstly I want to apologize to the both of you for the mistreatment you were put through over the last two and a half years. It wasn't fair and it never should have happened. While I can't change it I can apologize for it." Wow. He has only been with the hotel for just over 4 months and he's apologizing for the behaviour of past management. Like I said to him its nice to know at least someone noticed things haven't exactly been fair. He also said that what happened to us this past Christmas (schedule wise) WILL NOT happen again.

C says we have a fantastic desk team, which is true, however he feels we were all being held back. And its true. We went in, did our job but that was it. There was nothing new. No learning was taking place. It was the same thing day in and day out. And communication between G and I was almost nil. We weren't being told things we should have been, leaving us to often fly by the seat of our pants to figure stuff out. Not good. It frustrates us and doesn't provide the guest service we want to give. So now that the "thing" that was holding us back is gone, he wants to see us grow and see great things come of it.

So, things are changing. It'll take some time for K to learn the ways of the front desk but it'll be good when we get there. D and I are also going to be learning more about why rates are set they way they are, how to change them etc etc, so it'll be good. And these changes couldn't have come a moment too soon. Both D and I have been finding it REALLY hard to care about work lately. Personally, I was finding it hard to care when clearly our leader (G) didn't care. Because G didn't care and D can be unapproachable sometimes KM, J and C were all coming to me with their frustrations and concerns over the past few months. Which was fine. If they needed some support I was willing to give it, however the same wasn't being given to D and I. D and I both really like what we do, its just been hard lately.

We're both looking forward to the changes that are coming. I'm excited to learn more and to FINALLY start getting some weekends off. Also some of the stress has been taken off us by us not being the only MODs (manager on duty) in the hotel. We have been the only two MODs but in the next few months the MOD shifts are going to be shared out amongst us and other managers in the hotel, K included. It'll be nice to be able to work a few shifts and not have to worry about deal with staff drama in other departments and being able to call on someone else to deal with the crazy, irrate guests.

It'll be bumpy for a bit while K adjusts to us and we adjust to her but in the end I can only see things getting better by leaps and bounds.


Penny for your thoughts?