Monday, November 29, 2010

Why do I do this to myself?

This time of year things are so busy as it is, why, oh why, do we feel the need to add more to our plates (literally and figuritively)?

I've still got Christmas shopping to do.
Tuesday dress shopping (for me) with a friend. Then dinner and a movie with the roomies.
Am making a trip over to my brother's this week to babysit the kiddlets.
Saturday morning my friend has enlisted me to take photos for her while she runs a race.
This weekend my mother and some of her friends are going to be in the city for a couple of days - so at some point along the way I'm going to have to entertain them some how.
I'll have to make another trip home to drop of Christmas gifts to everyone.
Another trip to my brother's to drop off gifts there.
Have to get in some time with a friend before Christmas.

Add to all that working full time.

Oh, and a list of baking that will take me forever to get through. I can cook, no problem. Baking is a slow tedious process for me.

My baking list: (speaking of adding things to our plates......)

Sugar cookies - thank goodness for my grandmother's recipe. Its pretty hard to screw up, unlike the recipe I was using before.
Truffles - while delicious are a long tedious process. I only make them every year because dad LOVES them.
Fudge - two batches. While easy to make takes a while to set in the fridge.
Chocolate bark - this will be my first attempt at making it. It seems easy enough though.
Cupcakes - no idea how many of these I'll end up making. They're mostly to take to work to share the love.

I'm also toying with the idea of making gingerbread men. However I don't have on hand all the stuff to make them and don't really want to have to go get it all just for one batch of cookies. I have the stuff to make everything else though. I have fun Christmas cookie cutters to use this year, so at least the cookies I do make won't be just plain 'ol cookies!

Most of this is going to have to take place on my days off, and if I look at a calendar I only have 8 days off before Christmas - and with trips to opposite ends of the province planned I have no idea when all this is going to happen!

At least my Christmas cards are done and just need to be mailed now. At least one thing is done.


1 comment:

Penny for your thoughts?