Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bah Humbug

Oh, who am I kidding?

I'm actually excited for Christmas this year! I just like to think I'm not excited for it. You know, gotta maintain that crusty exterior I've worked so hard at! lol

(I'm NOT excited about my work schedule, but thats a whole other post for a whole other time)

Here we are a month out from Christmas. I've made my list, checked it twice, and am slowly crossing stuff off it as I get gifts bought.

And decorations. I want to decorate. Now. RIGHT NOW. If I were living on my own I'd probably be in the process of decorating already. However as I have roomies I will hold off awhile longer.

My one and only gripe (ok, counting my work schedule...two gripes) is the amount of money this is costing me. Good grief. Yeah, ok I admit to spoiling the nieces. They're the youngest in the family and, well, it IS Christmas and they are kids so its only right they get spoiled if you ask me. My 17 year old brother has expensive taste. Someone needs to knock that child down a peg or two. Thankfully I was able to get him a couple of tee shirts from a store he likes that were on BIG sale. Then he tells me he wants a PS3 game, at $80 a pop. Um, no. My list of people to buy for is getting longer and longer. Its a bit crazy. I thought I had my list finalized then remembered the secret Santa thing at work and one other person popped up as someone I needed to buy for. Its one lengthly list at this point.

I'm excited to get going on my Christmas cards. I'm excited to go find a new tree ornament (I usually get one or two new ornaments for myself every year). I already bought a too cute snowman decoration for the house (I have a snowman fetish, I freely admit it). The front door is just begging for a wreath of some sort (these are the times I wish I was crafty). And I'm hoping I can convince the roomie to let me put up lights in the front window this year.

I think my excitement this year is coming from my nieces. Yeah, one of them is far too young to even kind of understand but still its fun at Christmas with little ones around. Whether or not I'll get to actually see them over Christmas is another thing. I'll get to see them at some point, I'm sure. I'm not too worried.

1 comment:

Penny for your thoughts?