When my ex and I were together I moved in with a budgie in tow. Then we acquired two kitties - they and their brothers and sisters were disposed of on someone's doorstep. She called me saying she had heard I was looking for a cat (key word 'a') and would I be interested in coming to look. I told her if there was an orange kitty I would definitely take him/her. She said there was. Perfect! I get there and Mr. Orange is curled with with Mr. Grey. The cuteness was too much. I couldn't separate them. So the two came home with me.
A few weeks later Ms. Budgie died. :(
A couple months down the road we adopted a dog: a 6-month old, not housebroken, german shepherd x rottweiler. It was a good thing she was cute....her pooing all over the house the first night didn't make me so happy.
Anyway, rambling here.....my point is, I consistently had animals around me up until about 6 years ago. Since then I've not had animals. Yes, mom still has her cats and fish which I love when I'm home visiting. But they're not mine.
My roomie and I have toyed with getting a pet of some sort. Given where we live a cat would have been a good option however she's allergic. A bunny would have been OK too however we were concerned about wire chewing. A small dog would be OK but realisticallly her and I are all over the place schedule wise so it wouldn't be fair to a dog. We also considered a hamster, however when we first moved in here we had a slight mouse issue in the house so the appeal of a hamster (looking too much like a mouse to us) went away. I'd like a hedgehog, however I don't know anyone who has ever had one so I need to do some research on them and figure out whats what.
Anyway, yesterday as I was out running errands I came home with this little guy:

Everyone, meet Sushi.
My roomie started calling him Sushi last night and sadly I think it may have stuck! I'm quite pleased with him. I realize he's not a cuddley pet but he'll do the trick. Low maintenance pet! And I think I may invest in a larger tank later this year to have some more fish in. Right now he's comfy on the kitchen table, however his new home on my bookshelf in my bedroom is waiting for him to move in.
Aww, Sushi is so cute! :) If you decide to invest in another tank, just know that Sushi likely can't have tank-mates. Betas tend to be aggressive, and might kill any other little freshwater fishies.
ReplyDeleteI also had a life full of pets - always a fish tank, since I was 8, several hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, and now a cat. My sister has a parrot, a chinchilla, and a degu. I love the degu so much!!!
Pets are essential!
(and you've been added to my blogroll!)
ReplyDeleteI'm totally thinking of getting another tank. I've had a betta before so know they don't play well with others.
I was thrilled to discover it doesn't cost a fortune to to get a tank for fish. Maybe not a fancy-dancy aquarium, but Walmart has some that will fit the bill just fine. And I like that fish are relatively low maintenance pets!
Adorable!! Love the name too :)