I'm spending the week housesitting. I'm currently taking care of 2 jack russells and 5 horses.
While I'm not a fan of the early mornings (the horses demand they be fed by 7:30...if not they kick the barn to pieces) I'm enjoying the canine and equine company.
I woke up this morning when both dogs took a flying leap up onto the bed and deposited themselves on top of me. Many a tail were wagging, and much of my face was licked.
As I type, the horses are outside happily munching away. There's nothing quite like happy critters!
As for whats going on with me? Not much of anything really.
My mother called yesterday and in her own weird way apologized for not being more sympathetic after my shinnanigans on Thursday.
I'm planning a visit sometime soonish to go visit my niece again. I don't see her often enough. SIL has been put off work a few months before she wanted to start her maternity leave. She has said to come down anytime, her and Miss A would welcome the company. I have a few photos of Miss A that I printed and framed that I want to take to her.
And I have to admit I'm getting VERY excited for the arrival of Miss M. I can't wait! Just a little over two months to go. I'm trying very hard not to go crazy buying all kinds of little pink things! So far I have only gotten a Montreal Canadiens little pink onesie. My brother is a Montreal fan, SIL not so much! She's a Toronto fan. I doubt she'll ever let Miss M wear the Canadiens shirt, but I got it for my brother's satisfaction!
I've also supplied them with 300 diapers. Walmart had a CRAZY sale on diapers (yeah, thats right I'm talking about diapers!) so for a great price I got them a couple boxes.
I'm also torn on what else I want to get them: a swinging/vibrating chair? A play mat? Something else? Her brother got them a crib. They have a dresser. I'll likely pick up some receiving blankets and that sort of stuff, but I want to get them useful for the babe.
I'm a little bummed I can't get the time off for vacation that i want. That completely killed plans I had with a friend to go away. That also means I have to work the weekend of my birthday. No going out for my 30th for me. I'll have to celebrate it a week early as it stands now. Or a week later. Being trapped at work is going to be great, I'm sure.

Ok, I'm off to shovel some horse poo......
When ARE you taking time off? Are you coming to Moncton this year? Unless you end up thinking I'm too crazy :P
ReplyDeleteI'm taking the last week of July and the first week of August off (at least I think I am, he hasn't told me I can't have it off).
ReplyDeleteI have a friend here during that time from Alberta, so I'm going to go to her parents' place for a day or two, beyond that I may make an appearance in NB!