1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter
3. a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile
4. a member of the same nation, party, etc.
May I draw your attention to #2, particularly the "
supporter" part.
(warning: this may sound like a selfish post, but I don't care....)
I'd like to send out a great big thank you to all my friends who were less than supportive when I came to them after Thursday's events.
I have had more responses like:
"I'm sure she didn't mean it"
"It doesn't sound like it was as bad as you were making it out to be"
"She sounds like she was mentally unstable, you can't really blame her for what she said"
"Ok, so it happened. Big Deal. I don't see why you're stressing."
"You just have to get used to these things happening" (that one actually came from my mother)
You know what, screw all of you who said things like that to me. How dare you. All I asked for was a hug. Thats it. I didn't expect any of you to understand the situation I was in as I suspect not many, or any, of you have ever had someone threaten to put a bullet in you, and do it quite convincingly.
I'm so tired of people making light of my stress and anxiety over this. I put on my big girl pants and went back to work the very next day; less than 24hrs after this lunatic told me she was going to put a bullet in me. I stood at the very same computer, in the very same spot I was in when it all went down. I got back on the horse, and have so far made it through relatively unscathed.
No, I'm not looking for everyone to grovel and coddle me. All I wanted was for my friends to just be there for me. I realize I have family and friends spread out across the globe so a physical hug is pretty well impossible, however a kind word can go just as far.
And mom: telling me to get used to these things was I think the most hurtful of them all. You're my mother. I called you to tell you how horrifying my day was after some nutbar told me she was going to shoot me and that is all you can say? Gee, thanks.
This happened to me and I came to the people I thought would be there for me. As it turns out, precious few of them actually were. As it turns out, I got more support from my Lounge friends than I did my "real life" friends. My coworkers were fantastic. I received a few phone calls asking how i was throughout the weekend. They're all willing to listen if I feel like talking. I work with a great bunch of people.
It just irks me how people can be so oblivious to someone's feelings. Don't tell me how I should be feeling unless/until (God forbid) you wind up in my shoes one day.
Most of you know I'm not a selfish person. I don't ask for much. However, when I came to you all, my long time friends, in a time of need, I was left standing in the cold.
Thanks, thanks a lot.
Ok, moving along....
Its been not quite 4 days since all this crap went down.
Thursday night I didn't sleep.
Friday I slept about 3 hours.
Saturday I got about 4hrs.
Here it is Sunday and I'm running on 7hrs of sleep. I NEED 8hrs a night to function. You can imagine how well this is working out for me.
I close my eyes and I see her face. I can hear those words.
Damn her for doing this to me. Where does she get off?
Friday when I went back to work I was staring down anything and everything that moved. Needless to say I was a tad jumpy.
Saturday a little less jumpy but still VERY much aware of what was going on around me.
I'm going to admit that I'm TERRIFIED she's going to come back. The police assure me due to her mental state she likely won't remember me or where she was or what she said. Um, 'likely won't'? What if she does? What if her cognitive ability is better than you think it is? You also told me she LIKELY didn't have the mental capacity to operate a gun. Um, it doesn't take that much to be able to bend your finger around a trigger. It also wouldn't have taken much for her to have hit me given I was standing only 4 feet from her. And let's be honest here, I'm a 200+lb target....its not like she'd be aiming at a flea. The police were great through this whole thing, but its those two statements that keep running through my head.
My heart still races. I'm still on the brink of tears.
During the day isn't so bad. At night when I try to settle into sleep my head kicks into overdrive. I see her grey-headed face. I hear her raspy voice.
I've never really experienced shock or adrenaline before, at least not in a situation like this. I got tunnel vision. I only saw her. I forgot who else was in the building with me aside from two other people: my hotel manager and my conceirge. That was it. I had tuned out so much I didn't even think to call 911 until someone standing in the lobby suggested I do so. I know adrenaline kicks in for a reason, but it would be nice if it could do so without making me want to hurl.
If anyone is wondering: yes, your life does sort of flash before your eyes.
I'm just glad its over and I'm glad it ended the way it did. I'm only 2 months away from turning 30- I've got lots of time left before I'm ready to go.