I am an almost 1 year old Valley Bulldog - Husky mix and I came home to live with Erin and her roommates just a few days ago. Though right now it is just Erin and I - she tells me they will be home soon, and that I will like them too.
Erin tells me she found me after seeing an ad posted for me on something called Kijiji. What a Kijiji is I'll never know. She also tells me she got lost trying to find me. When I first met Erin I knew something was going on. My old mom was there, but no one else was. I knew they were talking about me because I kept hearing my name. I knew I liked Erin right from the beginning, she gave me lots of cuddles.
I had to say goodbye to my old mom. I didn't really want to go in that strange car with the strange person. But, like the good girl I am I got comfy on the back seat. I've been on car rides before but never one as long as this one was. I think I did pretty well, and slept most of the way.
We made a stop at a place Erin calls work to see some people. I was quite scared of this place. But the people I saw were very nice.
I used to live in a place that had lots of trees and it was pretty quiet. Now I live in a place with not many trees and there are so many things to see and smell, and so much noise all the time. Erin keeps telling me I'll get used to it eventually, but I'm not so sure.
Erin also tells me I will never have to worry about not being fed ever again. I'm glad she tells me that, but I don't quite believe it yet. When she feeds me I gobble it down as fast as I can, just in case there isn't any more later. She tells me I'm too skinny and that she is soon going to get me some good food to help me gain some weight and to help my coat get healthy again too. I loved my old family but they didn't feed me very much. I'm a growing girl, I need to have food in my tummy.
The first day in my new house I was left all by myself. Well, you see, I was scared and nervous being alone in this strange place. I couldn't help it but I made a mess all over the floor. I was worried she would get mad at me, but she didn't. We just went outside for a walk, then we cleaned up the mess (I'm a good helper, you know).
The next day when she left to go to that work place she put me in a big box. I don't really like going in there, I'd much rather stay and sleep on her bed all day. But she tells me I have to learn to like the box. And it really isn't so bad. I'd just rather not be in it thats all.
Yesterday when Erin came home I could tell by the look on her face something was wrong. After a quick walk outside to pee we went in the car to a place called the emergency vet clinic. I was scared. There were so many people and other animals and strange smells. Erin tells me I was a very good girl though.
You see when she came home yesterday and took me out of my kennel she saw my face was very swollen. One of my eyes was even almost swollen shut. But these people at the vet are helping me feel better.
I sat like a good girl while the doctors examined me. After a few hours we were able to go home. My doctor gave us some medicine for me to take. One will help fight the infection, the other will help with the hurting. I don't mind taking the medicine, it means I get it wrapped up in a piece of cheese! I do like cheese! The doctor also said I'm too skinny. My furmom assured her that we were working on it and hopefully in a couple of months I'll be good and healthy.
When we got home I could tell she was upset. She told me she was sad I wasn't feeling well and that she was sad my old people didn't take very good care of me. She promised me I'll never have to worry about anything ever again.
Today mom tells me I'm looking better already. I'm glad she isn't so worried any more. I am feeling better but I still feel pretty icky. At least my eye isn't almost swollen shut anymore.
Ever since I've been here it has been pretty great. I don't like all the noise that much, but at least I'm not left tied up outside all day long anymore. I follow Erin around where ever she goes, though I prefer it downstairs in the house than upstairs. I also like sleeping on her bed. I am happy she lets me sleep here, it is so much more comfortable than the floor or the ground. I have also been getting lots of cuddles, rubs and scratches. She also talks to me alot and tells me I'm a good girl and that I'm beautiful.
I do miss my old family, but things here aren't so bad. I get to eat twice a day instead of just once like before, and I get to spend all kinda of time with her. She doesn't mind me being close to her all the time and this makes me happy.
I think I'm going to love it here. She tells me I now have a forever home with people who will love me and play with me, and give me all the things I'll ever need or want. Ok, I should go back to napping. A girl needs her beauty rest you know!
Erin in....
I want to take anyone who mistreats and animal, give them a pair of cement shoes and send them sailing off the nearest, highest bridge. Cowards. I don't care if its physical or not. How could anyone look at this dog and not tell she's horribly skinny? You can clearly see ribs and her hip bones! C'mon! No animal deserves to go hungry or be mistreated in anyway.
She is such a sweet, sweet girl. She is truly something special. I've never met a dog quite like her before. When she looks at me the look on her face just says "all I want is for you to love me". Well, puppy, you're in the right place. There will be no shortage of that, or food, around here!
Follow my stories as I muddle through life in the crazy world we all call home.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Things I Dislike
Stole this idea from Nancy who stole it from someone else. A bunch of thieves we are!
Tomatoes = Nasty.
I. Just. Can't.
Yes, I am 31 and I will pick tomatoes out of whatever I'm eating. Tomato sauce I'm good with, ketchup I'm good with. If it can be indentified as a tomato I want nothing to do with it.
No good can come from a grown man dressed like this. Evil beings, they are. ::shudder::
Can someone please explain to me why the sound an alarm clock makes must be so....alarming?
What would be wrong with a noise a little less jarring. You know, ease me out of sleep instead of starting my day off with heart palpitations.
What would be wrong with a noise a little less jarring. You know, ease me out of sleep instead of starting my day off with heart palpitations.
Bitter Melon is the food of the Devil himself.
Lesson learned: the next time someone says "Hey, wanna taste something new?" say no.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
My quote of the day...
"Life is what we make it. Always has been, always will be" Grandma Moses
And this week life is going to be about
I likely won't have access to technology for most of my time off....I'll be back with you upon my return at the end of next week!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Jewels for the less girly girl
There has got to be something out there, that is simple, tasteful and pretty without being wildly girly and pizzazzy, and without being ridiculously expensive.
A few months ago the big boss at work decided I no longer had to wear my uniform. Yippee!! Ever since I've slowly been building my career wardrobe. I now have 2 suits and several tops. I'm working on expanding my work shoe collection. I currently have 2 pairs, with another pair on order which should be here soon. I got these lovlies. I hope they fit.
What I need is accessories. Bracelets are tricky since I do a ton of typing. I find they get in the way. Rings are also a little tricky this time of year as my fingers swell in the heat. Earrings I have to be careful with for a few reasons: 1) if they're cheaply made they'll irritate my ears, 2) if they're the wrong style they'll get hooked in the phone and one of a few things will happen: a) the phone will get caught and not come apart from the earring, b) the phone gets caught and yanks the earring out of my ear never to find the earring again.
Necklaces are the bain of my existance. I want to like necklaces but they frustrate the hell out of me. I don't like anything that feels tight around my neck. Most necklaces dont' come long enough to find my, apparently, expansive neck. Or they just look plain sillly on me. I can tell with some of them that its going to look silly on me without even having to put it on. Some of them I like, so I put it on and it looks ridiculous on me. Like this. I know this would look silly on me so I wouldn't even bother:
I need simple, understated, but pretty. And the perfect length would be nice too.
The other day I had a vision for the outfit I had selected for work:
cobalt blue blouse (LOVE this blouse - such a great color)
black trousers
I have a thinnish patent black belt I had thought I'd wear with the shirt, and I have a long strand of (fake) pearls. I got dressed, ran upstairs to the mirror....
I looked like an idiot.
I took the pearls and belt off. My only accessory was a simple pair of sterling, dangle earrings.
So, there are a few possible scenarios here:
1) I'm choosing the wrong accessories
2) I'm wearing the accessories incorrectly
3) I really look fine and its all in my head
I'm assuming its 1 or 2. But if it is 3 I have no way of knowing since I've been home alone for over a month, I have no one to bounce these ideas off of. My roomie fully embraces her girliness so she's usually pretty good at helping me tap into mine. But she's not here, and won't be for a few more weeks.
Since accessories spruce up an outfit and can change the look of an outfit (which is helpful when you only have 2 suits) my hunt shall continue.
I've tried Etsy and the results have been hit or miss: some things have been fine, others not so much. If any of you have any favorite sites or stores with a good selection of accessories please share!
A few months ago the big boss at work decided I no longer had to wear my uniform. Yippee!! Ever since I've slowly been building my career wardrobe. I now have 2 suits and several tops. I'm working on expanding my work shoe collection. I currently have 2 pairs, with another pair on order which should be here soon. I got these lovlies. I hope they fit.
What I need is accessories. Bracelets are tricky since I do a ton of typing. I find they get in the way. Rings are also a little tricky this time of year as my fingers swell in the heat. Earrings I have to be careful with for a few reasons: 1) if they're cheaply made they'll irritate my ears, 2) if they're the wrong style they'll get hooked in the phone and one of a few things will happen: a) the phone will get caught and not come apart from the earring, b) the phone gets caught and yanks the earring out of my ear never to find the earring again.
Necklaces are the bain of my existance. I want to like necklaces but they frustrate the hell out of me. I don't like anything that feels tight around my neck. Most necklaces dont' come long enough to find my, apparently, expansive neck. Or they just look plain sillly on me. I can tell with some of them that its going to look silly on me without even having to put it on. Some of them I like, so I put it on and it looks ridiculous on me. Like this. I know this would look silly on me so I wouldn't even bother:
I need simple, understated, but pretty. And the perfect length would be nice too.
The other day I had a vision for the outfit I had selected for work:
cobalt blue blouse (LOVE this blouse - such a great color)
black trousers
I have a thinnish patent black belt I had thought I'd wear with the shirt, and I have a long strand of (fake) pearls. I got dressed, ran upstairs to the mirror....
I looked like an idiot.
I took the pearls and belt off. My only accessory was a simple pair of sterling, dangle earrings.
So, there are a few possible scenarios here:
1) I'm choosing the wrong accessories
2) I'm wearing the accessories incorrectly
3) I really look fine and its all in my head
I'm assuming its 1 or 2. But if it is 3 I have no way of knowing since I've been home alone for over a month, I have no one to bounce these ideas off of. My roomie fully embraces her girliness so she's usually pretty good at helping me tap into mine. But she's not here, and won't be for a few more weeks.
Since accessories spruce up an outfit and can change the look of an outfit (which is helpful when you only have 2 suits) my hunt shall continue.
I've tried Etsy and the results have been hit or miss: some things have been fine, others not so much. If any of you have any favorite sites or stores with a good selection of accessories please share!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Believe in the beauty of the earth
My roomies have those fridge magnets that are a billion different words that you can mix and match to form your own sayings etc. While I was waiting for my morning java to brew a few days ago this little gem just happened:
Believe in the beauty of the earth.
Really, it just happened. No thought. No trying. It just happened. The each individual word magnet just came to me. Weird? Yeah, maybe. But honestly that is how it happened.
Take a second to look around you. No, really look around you. Forget the concrete jungles and SUVs for a second. Mother Earth is a marvelous creature. What with her lakes, rivers and oceans, fields and forests, birds, bees and all creatures great and small.
I have been trying lately to get back to being kinder to the Earth and adjusting my actions accordingly. I don't think I'll ever be one of those die-hard environmentalists, but I sure can do everything within my power to make a change. So perhaps that is where the saying came from. The earth is something that has been on my brain lately, so who knows what made those words come to me.
I am fully aware that right now the earth isn't always unicorns and butterflies kind of place, with all the craziness and whatnot taking place in various parts of the world. I'm not at all saying we should forget those things are happening as they are the stark reality for many many people with whom we share the planet. What I am saying is to stop for a moment, take a deep breath and reconnect with your surroundings.
Humans are one of Mother Earth's most brilliant and yet flawed creations. With all the social networking, cell phones and other electronic methods of communicating we've lost touch with other humans. When I was a kid if I wanted to see if my neighbour could come out to play I walked over to their house, knocked on the door and asked. Now, they call, or text to see if the other can come out to play. Where has all the human contact gone?
I grew up in a small town. Most people knew just about everyone else. If you were out for a walk you can be guaranteed just about everyone you met on the street would smile and say hello. And then I moved to a different province where this is not common practice. I remember wandering the streets of my new town saying hello to people as I passed and getting not much more than glares back. Really? Are people so absorbed in themselves that they can't even smile and nod a hello at someone as they pass on the street?
I found a quote a few years ago (that I can't find now, of course) that I shared with my team at work. The jist of it is:
Give someone one of your smiles. It may just be the only one he sees all day.
And while we are one of Her most amazing creations we are also to her detriment. It is us humans that are slowly destroying Her.
I found this quote recently...(again with the quotes, I know...I dig quotes):
"There is enough in this world for everyone's need but there is not enough in this world for everyone's greed." - Mahatma Gandhi
I, like just about everyone else, like to have things. I don't need all the latest gizmos and gadgets (says the one who just got a Blackberry....) but I like to have things. I like books on my shelves, pictures on my walls, and I particularly love kitchen supplies. But when I stop to think about where those things came from....wow. That kitchen gadget I just bought was not likely manufactured locally. It was likely made on an entirely different continent, but someone who was grossly underpaid for their efforts. That item was then shipped across the miles on planes, trains and ships. All of which have left one heck of a carbon footprint. I, like most people, do not think as I am making my purchase about where that item really came from. Nor do I think: do I REALLY need this thing?
I have also made it a point lately to donate as much of my stuff as I can. And as I look around me now I can see it is time for another round of sorting through my stuff. I have clothes I've never worn or rarely wear. Time to give them a new home and to someone who could really use a couple almost new pairs of jeans.
Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is Mother Earth as given us this lovely gem of a planet on which we live. It is a beautiful place place, and if you've forgotten how beautiful it is I encourage you to take sometime and wander through a local park, or hike a local trail. Surround yourself with nature for an hour as a reminder of how simple the world really can be.
So, in closing what I want to know is: what makes YOUR earth beautiful?
Believe in the beauty of the earth.
Really, it just happened. No thought. No trying. It just happened. The each individual word magnet just came to me. Weird? Yeah, maybe. But honestly that is how it happened.
Take a second to look around you. No, really look around you. Forget the concrete jungles and SUVs for a second. Mother Earth is a marvelous creature. What with her lakes, rivers and oceans, fields and forests, birds, bees and all creatures great and small.
I have been trying lately to get back to being kinder to the Earth and adjusting my actions accordingly. I don't think I'll ever be one of those die-hard environmentalists, but I sure can do everything within my power to make a change. So perhaps that is where the saying came from. The earth is something that has been on my brain lately, so who knows what made those words come to me.
I am fully aware that right now the earth isn't always unicorns and butterflies kind of place, with all the craziness and whatnot taking place in various parts of the world. I'm not at all saying we should forget those things are happening as they are the stark reality for many many people with whom we share the planet. What I am saying is to stop for a moment, take a deep breath and reconnect with your surroundings.
Humans are one of Mother Earth's most brilliant and yet flawed creations. With all the social networking, cell phones and other electronic methods of communicating we've lost touch with other humans. When I was a kid if I wanted to see if my neighbour could come out to play I walked over to their house, knocked on the door and asked. Now, they call, or text to see if the other can come out to play. Where has all the human contact gone?
I grew up in a small town. Most people knew just about everyone else. If you were out for a walk you can be guaranteed just about everyone you met on the street would smile and say hello. And then I moved to a different province where this is not common practice. I remember wandering the streets of my new town saying hello to people as I passed and getting not much more than glares back. Really? Are people so absorbed in themselves that they can't even smile and nod a hello at someone as they pass on the street?
I found a quote a few years ago (that I can't find now, of course) that I shared with my team at work. The jist of it is:
Give someone one of your smiles. It may just be the only one he sees all day.
And while we are one of Her most amazing creations we are also to her detriment. It is us humans that are slowly destroying Her.
I found this quote recently...(again with the quotes, I know...I dig quotes):
"There is enough in this world for everyone's need but there is not enough in this world for everyone's greed." - Mahatma Gandhi
I, like just about everyone else, like to have things. I don't need all the latest gizmos and gadgets (says the one who just got a Blackberry....) but I like to have things. I like books on my shelves, pictures on my walls, and I particularly love kitchen supplies. But when I stop to think about where those things came from....wow. That kitchen gadget I just bought was not likely manufactured locally. It was likely made on an entirely different continent, but someone who was grossly underpaid for their efforts. That item was then shipped across the miles on planes, trains and ships. All of which have left one heck of a carbon footprint. I, like most people, do not think as I am making my purchase about where that item really came from. Nor do I think: do I REALLY need this thing?
I have also made it a point lately to donate as much of my stuff as I can. And as I look around me now I can see it is time for another round of sorting through my stuff. I have clothes I've never worn or rarely wear. Time to give them a new home and to someone who could really use a couple almost new pairs of jeans.
Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is Mother Earth as given us this lovely gem of a planet on which we live. It is a beautiful place place, and if you've forgotten how beautiful it is I encourage you to take sometime and wander through a local park, or hike a local trail. Surround yourself with nature for an hour as a reminder of how simple the world really can be.
So, in closing what I want to know is: what makes YOUR earth beautiful?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Ugh...some people...
Ok, so I've been on the hunt lately for a dog. This has turned out to be a more challenging task than I had anticipated. I have also discovered people really drive me bonkers.
1) I've contacted a few people about their dogs. We've exchanged emails and phone calls and have arranged a time to go meet. In their ads they all say they *have* to rehome their pooches due to moving, work...etc etc. Then just before I'm supposed to go meet the critter they call or email saying they've decided to keep their dogs. Ok, great, but a tad annoying.
2) I now understand why there are so many dogs in shelters. I have contacted a ton of sellers only to find the vast majority of them are not spayed or neutered. Seriously? I even had one person tell me their intact male isn't interested the girls. Really?
3) Scammers. Have I ever run into a pile of them. I can usually tell pretty quickly that they're not legit. But I got one email I couldn't really tell for sure, so I rode it out for a few exchanges just to see. Yup, scammer. They're located in Dawson City and will send me a pup via a door-to-door puppy delivery service for only $120. Ummm......DC is located in Yukon, pretty sure its going to cost more than that to get a dog down and across the country to Nova Scotia. Yeah, nice try. I'm glad I'm at least savvy enough to know the difference, but those poor people who aren't? Yikes.
Ugh. I know I need to just be patient, eventually I'll find something. But its all so frustrating. The first dog I found and fell in love with was an AmStaff from the SPCA. I SOOOOOOO wanted to bring her home. I really really did. What eventually stopped me from proceding was her age. She was an older girl so, though they tell me she is healthy and has lots of zip left in her, who knows how long until her health starts to decline. If space and money weren't an issue I'd bring her home to have a happy retirement, and I'd bring a younger one home too. But that isn't the case. I contacted the SPCA letting them know I was no longer interested due to her age, and received a snarky reply back. Really? It took a lot of thinking and it litterally pained my heart to tell them.
Then I found a border collie lab cross that needed to be rehomed. He was great! He was about 4, did well with kids, other dogs, on and off leash, comes when called etc etc. He was apparently a fast learner and enjoyed learning new tricks - so I figured I'd look into agility classes for him. Everything was going well then they pulled out at the list minute.
I'm now looking at a Chihuahua Terrier mix, who again isn't fixed, however the owner has decided to drop the price so I can use the difference to get him fixed. We'll see how this turns out. I have to find out what the cost of neutering is first.
Blah. So yeah, people suck and try to take advantage of everyone they possibly can.
1) I've contacted a few people about their dogs. We've exchanged emails and phone calls and have arranged a time to go meet. In their ads they all say they *have* to rehome their pooches due to moving, work...etc etc. Then just before I'm supposed to go meet the critter they call or email saying they've decided to keep their dogs. Ok, great, but a tad annoying.
2) I now understand why there are so many dogs in shelters. I have contacted a ton of sellers only to find the vast majority of them are not spayed or neutered. Seriously? I even had one person tell me their intact male isn't interested the girls. Really?
3) Scammers. Have I ever run into a pile of them. I can usually tell pretty quickly that they're not legit. But I got one email I couldn't really tell for sure, so I rode it out for a few exchanges just to see. Yup, scammer. They're located in Dawson City and will send me a pup via a door-to-door puppy delivery service for only $120. Ummm......DC is located in Yukon, pretty sure its going to cost more than that to get a dog down and across the country to Nova Scotia. Yeah, nice try. I'm glad I'm at least savvy enough to know the difference, but those poor people who aren't? Yikes.
Ugh. I know I need to just be patient, eventually I'll find something. But its all so frustrating. The first dog I found and fell in love with was an AmStaff from the SPCA. I SOOOOOOO wanted to bring her home. I really really did. What eventually stopped me from proceding was her age. She was an older girl so, though they tell me she is healthy and has lots of zip left in her, who knows how long until her health starts to decline. If space and money weren't an issue I'd bring her home to have a happy retirement, and I'd bring a younger one home too. But that isn't the case. I contacted the SPCA letting them know I was no longer interested due to her age, and received a snarky reply back. Really? It took a lot of thinking and it litterally pained my heart to tell them.
Then I found a border collie lab cross that needed to be rehomed. He was great! He was about 4, did well with kids, other dogs, on and off leash, comes when called etc etc. He was apparently a fast learner and enjoyed learning new tricks - so I figured I'd look into agility classes for him. Everything was going well then they pulled out at the list minute.
I'm now looking at a Chihuahua Terrier mix, who again isn't fixed, however the owner has decided to drop the price so I can use the difference to get him fixed. We'll see how this turns out. I have to find out what the cost of neutering is first.
Blah. So yeah, people suck and try to take advantage of everyone they possibly can.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Dogs with a bad rep
So, I have spent the past couple of weeks keeping an eye on the local Petfinder website as I am on the hunt for a pooch. I don't know exactly what I want, I just know I don't want a small dog (not my cup of tea). Though if I could clone the little fluff ball I met last night I would totally go for one of him.
I've noticed the shelters here have mostly larger dog breeds, which is right up my alley. They've got anything from Labs to German Shepherds to breeds I've never heard off to mixes of all of the above and then some. I also noticed there are a lot of Am Staffs looking for homes. Why so many? Well, it seems, depending on who you ask an Am Staff and a Pit Bull are one and the same. And I'm sure you're all aware of the bad rep that is, unfortunately, attached to Pit Bulls.
So, I've done some digging. Are they really the same thing? According to the UKC (United Kennel Club) they are. However, research shows that they *used* to be the same breed with different names, however now the bloodlines are so far separated that they are two independant dog breeds who happen to look very much a like and have similar characteristics.
Upon scouring the web looking for pooch possibilities I found myself going back to one dog: an Am Staff mix. What was it about her that was pulling me in? Well, maybe its the fact that she's ADORABLE. And she's older (10 - yeah, I know) so I can skip the puppy phase. She is also, because of her age, happy to snooze by your feet. But don't let that fool you she is also happy to chase balls around for as long as you're willing to throw them for her. And they tell me she has been nothing but a love bug since she was surrendered to them (due to her previous owner's change in living circumstances). Which are all qualities I want in a dog.
After bouncing the idea off my roomies they seem to be on board. YAY!
So I was sharing my excitement with some of the girls at work last night. They sure know how to rain on someone's parade.
"Thats a pitbull! Are you crazy?" - No, no I'm not.
"She's 10. Why would you want an old dog?" - No, i wasn't looking for a dog her age, however there is something about her. And do you have any idea how hard it is to place a senior dog in a home when everyone out there wants a puppy or a young dog.
Now, I understand they, as any large dog, are strong and can become aggressive. But wouldn't good pet parenting, socialization, training and love make the odds of an aggressive dog less? Are the reactions of my coworkers relevant? Or are they totally unfounded and perpetuated by the media (Michael Vick, anyone?)?
The sad reality is most of the "bully" breeds (Rottweilers, Boxers, Pit Bulls etc) have been painted with the same negative brush because of other bad owners. Because there are people out there who don't train, don't properly care for, and mistreat their animals the entire breed gets a bad name. And its unforunate.
Sadly there are many of these bully breeds in shelters and in foster homes needing their forever home who will not likely ever find their special people. In my city there are many adorable young Am Staffs looking for homes, and may never get the chance to know what its like to be part of a family.
Sure this is true of any dog or animal in a shelter. But a lab stands a much better chance at being adopted than a Pit Bull does.
This came from an article I read just a bit ago: "The only thing Pit Bulls fight is a bad stereotype".
Kinda sums it up nicely, eh?
Also in my reading of various articles have learned:
Rottweilers, American Staffordshire Terriers, American Bull Terriers and the Pit Bull Terrier all scored better in temperment testing than most popular household breeds.
One president of an SPCA branch even went so far to say "Usually the best dogs we have are Pit Bulls and Rottweilers.". Now there is some food for thought.
Unfortunately many of these muscular breeds have the "macho factor" attached to them. You'd be hard pressed to see a gang member with a Bichon Frise. Rather you'll see them with a Rotti or a Pit Bull.
And I'm sure you've all heard of cities imposing bans on certain breeds, primarily bans on Pit Bulls. If you ask me, this is a knee-jerk reaction. There have been deaths caused by all dog breeds, not just the bully breeds. Infact, sadly there was a lady who died after her family's Chow mauled her. Banning breeds won't stop dog attacks. Having proper training opportunities available, and affordable, will.
And parents need to teach their children how to behave around strange dogs. Teach them not to just run up to any dog they see.
There are many Rotties and Pit Bulls living in loving family homes and are loyal, loving pets. You can't single out an entire breed for aggression. What you can do is look at the owners of any aggressive dog who don't take responsibility for their pet.
We can also thank the media for shining the negative spotlight on these dog breeds. When was the last time you saw them report a black lab mauling someone? Or about the Lhasa Apso attacking a child? Yeah, thats what I thought. But it does happen. We just don't hear about it like we do with these "bad" breeds. The media, and everyone else, needs to educate themselves before they start spouting off about how awful Pit Bulls, or any other dog, are.
I'm going to meet the girl I found on Petfinder this week to see if we're a match. I'm excited and looking forward to it! And who knows, I may just have a new canine friend before too long!
I've noticed the shelters here have mostly larger dog breeds, which is right up my alley. They've got anything from Labs to German Shepherds to breeds I've never heard off to mixes of all of the above and then some. I also noticed there are a lot of Am Staffs looking for homes. Why so many? Well, it seems, depending on who you ask an Am Staff and a Pit Bull are one and the same. And I'm sure you're all aware of the bad rep that is, unfortunately, attached to Pit Bulls.
So, I've done some digging. Are they really the same thing? According to the UKC (United Kennel Club) they are. However, research shows that they *used* to be the same breed with different names, however now the bloodlines are so far separated that they are two independant dog breeds who happen to look very much a like and have similar characteristics.
Upon scouring the web looking for pooch possibilities I found myself going back to one dog: an Am Staff mix. What was it about her that was pulling me in? Well, maybe its the fact that she's ADORABLE. And she's older (10 - yeah, I know) so I can skip the puppy phase. She is also, because of her age, happy to snooze by your feet. But don't let that fool you she is also happy to chase balls around for as long as you're willing to throw them for her. And they tell me she has been nothing but a love bug since she was surrendered to them (due to her previous owner's change in living circumstances). Which are all qualities I want in a dog.
After bouncing the idea off my roomies they seem to be on board. YAY!
So I was sharing my excitement with some of the girls at work last night. They sure know how to rain on someone's parade.
"Thats a pitbull! Are you crazy?" - No, no I'm not.
"She's 10. Why would you want an old dog?" - No, i wasn't looking for a dog her age, however there is something about her. And do you have any idea how hard it is to place a senior dog in a home when everyone out there wants a puppy or a young dog.
Now, I understand they, as any large dog, are strong and can become aggressive. But wouldn't good pet parenting, socialization, training and love make the odds of an aggressive dog less? Are the reactions of my coworkers relevant? Or are they totally unfounded and perpetuated by the media (Michael Vick, anyone?)?
The sad reality is most of the "bully" breeds (Rottweilers, Boxers, Pit Bulls etc) have been painted with the same negative brush because of other bad owners. Because there are people out there who don't train, don't properly care for, and mistreat their animals the entire breed gets a bad name. And its unforunate.
Sadly there are many of these bully breeds in shelters and in foster homes needing their forever home who will not likely ever find their special people. In my city there are many adorable young Am Staffs looking for homes, and may never get the chance to know what its like to be part of a family.
Sure this is true of any dog or animal in a shelter. But a lab stands a much better chance at being adopted than a Pit Bull does.
This came from an article I read just a bit ago: "The only thing Pit Bulls fight is a bad stereotype".
Kinda sums it up nicely, eh?
Also in my reading of various articles have learned:
Rottweilers, American Staffordshire Terriers, American Bull Terriers and the Pit Bull Terrier all scored better in temperment testing than most popular household breeds.
One president of an SPCA branch even went so far to say "Usually the best dogs we have are Pit Bulls and Rottweilers.". Now there is some food for thought.
Unfortunately many of these muscular breeds have the "macho factor" attached to them. You'd be hard pressed to see a gang member with a Bichon Frise. Rather you'll see them with a Rotti or a Pit Bull.
And I'm sure you've all heard of cities imposing bans on certain breeds, primarily bans on Pit Bulls. If you ask me, this is a knee-jerk reaction. There have been deaths caused by all dog breeds, not just the bully breeds. Infact, sadly there was a lady who died after her family's Chow mauled her. Banning breeds won't stop dog attacks. Having proper training opportunities available, and affordable, will.
And parents need to teach their children how to behave around strange dogs. Teach them not to just run up to any dog they see.
There are many Rotties and Pit Bulls living in loving family homes and are loyal, loving pets. You can't single out an entire breed for aggression. What you can do is look at the owners of any aggressive dog who don't take responsibility for their pet.
We can also thank the media for shining the negative spotlight on these dog breeds. When was the last time you saw them report a black lab mauling someone? Or about the Lhasa Apso attacking a child? Yeah, thats what I thought. But it does happen. We just don't hear about it like we do with these "bad" breeds. The media, and everyone else, needs to educate themselves before they start spouting off about how awful Pit Bulls, or any other dog, are.
I'm going to meet the girl I found on Petfinder this week to see if we're a match. I'm excited and looking forward to it! And who knows, I may just have a new canine friend before too long!
American Staffordshire Terrier,
pit bull,
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Hi, I'm Erin
And I am a pack rat.
While I can thank my dad for a lot of great things, this is one of the less great things I got from him. And he got it from his mother. We're keepers of things. Some of it meaningful. Some of it less so. Either way, stuff can rest assured that it'll have a long and happy life with either of us.
Being a pack rat extraordinaire makes moving an interesting experience. I have SO. MUCH. STUFF.
I recently moved twice in less than 6 weeks.
Move #1 resulted in several bags of clothes (much of it brand new stuff) being donated. I hadn't worn it in the years I've owned it so time to send it on to someone who will. I also got rid of some papers and whatnot that I'd been hanging onto for who knows what reason. All in all it did lighten my load.
Move #2 didn't result in any purging. Usually moving is the onl time I manage to get rid of stuff. Since I didn't really unpack after the first move nothing really happened before the second.
And not much of it is actually clutter. Well, right now my room looks like a bomb went off in it. I don't have a closet and only have a small dresser so stuff is kinda strewn everywhere. But I'm not one for knick knacks. I do have a few stuffies on the shelf in my room but thats about it.
Most of my stuff is clothes. Realistically I only wear the same few outfits. Why I have the rest of it I'll never know. And why I can't get rid of the rest of it I'll never know.
There are some things I am not willing to get rid of:
quilts made for me by my grandmothers or were handed down from them
anything handed down from generations past
The rest of it is just stuff. And why I feel the need to hang onto it I have no idea.
I think it started when I finally branched out on my own. Growing up my parents always beat it into my head that money was for saving, not for spending. Ever. At all. So when I was out on my own making my own money I had control (or lack there of) over when it got spent, how much of it, and on what. Needless to say I went a little hog-wild. I was finally able to buy stuff when I wanted to and had no one to answer to for it. We didn't grow up poor or anything so its not like we didn't have things as kids. We just didn't have those parents that bought you stuff just because. I grew up gettign handmedowns from cousins. If clothes could be bought second-hand they were. We had toys as kids, but weren't up to our eyeballs in them. So we had things, just enough things to make living comfortable. I now buy stuff just because.
And now I can't get rid of it.
Because I am renting the majority of my stuff is in my room. And because I have next to no storage space in here its messy which makes me anxious. Isn't your bedroom supposed to be a calm, peaceful environment? Yeah, right.

While I can thank my dad for a lot of great things, this is one of the less great things I got from him. And he got it from his mother. We're keepers of things. Some of it meaningful. Some of it less so. Either way, stuff can rest assured that it'll have a long and happy life with either of us.
Being a pack rat extraordinaire makes moving an interesting experience. I have SO. MUCH. STUFF.
I recently moved twice in less than 6 weeks.
Move #1 resulted in several bags of clothes (much of it brand new stuff) being donated. I hadn't worn it in the years I've owned it so time to send it on to someone who will. I also got rid of some papers and whatnot that I'd been hanging onto for who knows what reason. All in all it did lighten my load.
Move #2 didn't result in any purging. Usually moving is the onl time I manage to get rid of stuff. Since I didn't really unpack after the first move nothing really happened before the second.
And not much of it is actually clutter. Well, right now my room looks like a bomb went off in it. I don't have a closet and only have a small dresser so stuff is kinda strewn everywhere. But I'm not one for knick knacks. I do have a few stuffies on the shelf in my room but thats about it.
Most of my stuff is clothes. Realistically I only wear the same few outfits. Why I have the rest of it I'll never know. And why I can't get rid of the rest of it I'll never know.
There are some things I am not willing to get rid of:
quilts made for me by my grandmothers or were handed down from them
anything handed down from generations past
The rest of it is just stuff. And why I feel the need to hang onto it I have no idea.
I think it started when I finally branched out on my own. Growing up my parents always beat it into my head that money was for saving, not for spending. Ever. At all. So when I was out on my own making my own money I had control (or lack there of) over when it got spent, how much of it, and on what. Needless to say I went a little hog-wild. I was finally able to buy stuff when I wanted to and had no one to answer to for it. We didn't grow up poor or anything so its not like we didn't have things as kids. We just didn't have those parents that bought you stuff just because. I grew up gettign handmedowns from cousins. If clothes could be bought second-hand they were. We had toys as kids, but weren't up to our eyeballs in them. So we had things, just enough things to make living comfortable. I now buy stuff just because.
And now I can't get rid of it.
Because I am renting the majority of my stuff is in my room. And because I have next to no storage space in here its messy which makes me anxious. Isn't your bedroom supposed to be a calm, peaceful environment? Yeah, right.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
A face lift
Monday, August 1, 2011
What a weekend
So much fun!
A lot of driving and a lot of walking but SO. MUCH. FUN.
I departed Nova Scotia on Friday morning bound for Moncton for a weekend with gracious hosts Nancy and her hubby. Landed in Moncton (well, Dieppe technically) around 2:30 then made our way to ButterflyWorld. What an odd and strangely amusing place that was. Its basically this white dome filled with plants, flowers and butterflies. Add in some mystical fairy music and it was quite the experience. We quickly decided the blue butterflies were the prettiest. We also learned they are quite modest and don't show their colors unless they're in motion. And when they're in motion they're quick so are pretty hard to photograph. But, patience perservered and we finally got a photo of one at rest with its wings open. That would be Nancy, the blue butterfly whisperer's hand.
After Butterfly World we were off for a sushi feast. So yummy! We also took in an after dinner movie which turned out to be not so bad, and even kinda funny. Which is saying something, as I rarely find comedies to actually be funny.
The next day we slept in, rolled out of bed, managed to get ourselves ready and out the door to head for some eats and to make our way to Magnetic Hill for the U2 concert. After standing in a long line for not that much time, we boarded our bus and were on our way. If you ever wondered what cattle felt like as they were being herded stand in a line with a few thousand other people and you'll get a pretty good idea.
Naturally it rained all day so everything was good and soggy. Yup, you guessed it, the concert was outdoors in a grass field. Well, said grass field turned into a slippery muddy mess pretty quickly. But that wasn't enough to stop us.
We made it in time to see Arcade Fire play. I've always kinda liked them, but seeing them play live: wow. They're not just a band. They're not just singers. They're like a musical movement. Every song is sung with passion, and every song is like an event. They're pretty fantastic. If you ever get the chance to see them, definitely go for it.
After about an hour wait, a few rounds of the wave later, and a couple of impressive flyovers from the Canadian Air Force, U2 finally hit the stage.
Speaking of the stage, what a crazy set up! It was pretty impressive. Someone (that'd be me) managed to remember to bring her camera but not her memory card. Ooppss....thankfully someone's cell has a camera so someone managed to get a few OK pictures of the night.
Now let me just say I had never been to a concert before. Ever. I have seen bands play in pubs and the like but I've never been to a 75000-strong, full fledged concert. So I don't have anything to base this on but I'm pretty sure U2 has set the bar awfully high for any subsequent concerts I may be lucky enough to take in.
They played a lot of the "old" favorites: Beautiful Day, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, Pride (In the Name of Love), Where The Streets Have No Name....
It really was an awesome experience. Totally worth standing in mud up to my ankles for 5+hours!
When the concert let out so began the trek back to meet the buses. 75000 people trying to leave the same place all at the same time makes for some slow going. Add in waiting in a line up of a few thousand people trying to board buses back to their cars, it felt like it was never going to end. We were all tired, and had various body parts that had gone numb from standing and just wanted to go home. After a run through the McD's drive thru we made it home by 3:30am, I was in bed by 4:00 certain when I woke up I still wasn't going to be able to feel my feet.
The next morning, er, afternoon I woke to find my feet were still in fact attached to my legs. BONUS! We were all a little slow moving due to the copious amounts of walking and the late night. We made it to take in some lunch and another movie before I began my journey back to Hali.
565kms and a lot of walking later I'm home from a fantastic weekend!
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