It started off OK. The roomies (my friend S and her fiance L), and his cousin A were listening to music and having some drinks. I haven't drank in a LONG time so I was looking forward to a chill night of tunes, bevvies, and chit chat. S and A decide they want to dance. Great. They were having a good time. Me, I wasn't nearly intoxicated enough to even think of dancing with them. I humoured them. Laughed along. Snapped a few photos for them. They did shots. I bowed out as I just don't do shots as a rule.
And now here I am.
The reason I've retreated to my room? I'm too damn self conscious to join in. There isn't enough booze in the house to make my inhibitions go away enough for me to join them.
I wish I didn't care so much with everyone else thinks of me.
Let your hair down, live it up! Life is too short and precious not to!