....hello 2011!
This is the time of year where people start making resolutions and whatnot for the coming new year. Which is great, if that works for you. For me, resolutions don't work. Resolutions feel too absolute and rigid to me. Even calling them goals doesn't sit right with me. If it feels like something I HAVE to do, like a chore, I know myself well enough to know it won't work for me. I'm very much a "when I'm good and ready on my own time" kind of person. Yeah, I get that from my Dad - collectively we drive my mother crazy!
I want 2011 to not necessarily be a year of change but just a year of doing. Doing new things. Doing more. I'm a self proclaimed lazy-ass. While having some lazy time can be good I allow myself far too much of it. I have noticed I am happier when I'm busy. I had a few days about 2 weeks ago that were just non-stop busy, and while it was exhausting I felt great! I had done something (well, lots of somethings), been productive. So this coming year I just want to do more.
A few things that have popped to mind are....
-work more on my photography (I have volunteered to take some photos for a friend of mine and her bf)
-hike more
-hit the beach more than twice this summer
-get involved in some sort of volunteering (I'm currently researching options...leaning toward the SPCA)
-read more, and a different variety of books (yeah, this may also allow me to be a lazy-ass but I LOVE to read and would like to broaden my reading horizons)
-get back on a horse as much as possible. I rode competitively for years then had to let it go when I went off to college. Anyway, the last time I was on was a year and a half ago, and it ended with me being launched to the ground, so I haven't been on since.
-watch more documentaries (yeah, again with the being lazy, but if I'm going to veg I might as well learn something)
I'm sure I'll dream up more to add to the list, these are just the ones that I've been thinking about lately.
And maybe 2011 will find me in a relationship....who knows. I've been talking to a guy, so we'll see what happens......we dated a bit 2 years ago, it didn't work out at that time (I don't think I was quite ready at that point), but we've kept in regular contact ever since. He brought up last week that we've kept in touch ever since so what would going for a cup of coffee hurt. And he's got a point. Of the few people I've met and gone out with I don't keep in touch with any of them, but him. So we'll see what happens.
In any case, I hope 2011 brings you all nothing but great and wonderful things!
Good luck for all your resolutions!
ReplyDeleteHappy 2011!! :)