Monday, September 13, 2010

You're a class A jerk

I hope karma bites you in the ass when you least expect it to.

I've thought of ways I could "get" you, but realize its not worth my time and energy. I know karma will look after that for me. And really, I'm a bigger person than that.

Forget the fact that you played my emotions like a violin, how about putting my health at risk? You were with me and her at the same time. Were there others? My emotions were, and have, healed, my physical health isn't quite as easily put back together. Gee, thanks for putting me, unknowingly, into that situation. You're a super star.

All those weekends at the cabin with the guys? Yeah, thanks for lying to me about that too. You were feeding me that line to keep me quiet so you could be with her and me not bother you, therefore busting your sorry ass. And silly me I believed you. But don't worry, I've figured out your little game. And the game stops here buddy.

THANK GOODNESS I'm not pregnant (yeah, had a wee bit of a scare complete with a battery of pregnacy symptoms). Ya know, I decided I'd be OK to be a single parent, because I know you wouldn't be there because of her - admitting you were having a child with another woman would have outted your little game. I also decided that I'd see your ass in court. It took two to tango. However, thankfully only one line appeared on that magic little stick, so I don't have to worry about having to deal with you ever again. It was dealing with your bullshit that worried me more than having a child.

So to you I bid farewell. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You don't get a third chance. I'm done. I'm out. And I'm OK!


  1. Great post. Hope you feel better for writing it. (I usually do when I write similar things!)

  2. Ditto to what Rain said. I'm sorry you had to post this but glad you were able to get it out!


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