Tuesday, March 13, 2012

11 Things

Nancy tagged me in this 11 Things thing on her blog...so here goes....

1. Post these rules
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions set for you in the post you were tagged in
4. Create 11 new questions for your tagees to answer
5. Tag them on Twitter, Facebook or your blog

My 11 random things:

my baby toes don't touch the floor when I stand flat footed
I don't like fruit much
I have a serious coffee mug addiction
I know how to play the handbells
I despise doing dishes
I don't do dresses or skirts.  I avoid them at all costs.
I would like to learn to play the guitar, and relearn the piano
I've never smoked a cigarette (or anything else for that matter) in my life
I've never traveled, aside from within Canada and a few States
I think McDonald's coffee is a bagillion times better than Tim's.
I do not like the heat.  I cap out at about 23C.

And the Qs from Nancy:

 1. What are you looking forward to this summer?
Its going to be a busy one with my brother's wedding and my friend's wedding.  So I guess I'm looking forward to that.  And hanging out at the beach since its a 5min walk away

2. How many times have you been IN love?
Like really truly in love?  Probably 0.

3. What's your favourite thing to cook?
I like to cook but don't really have a favorite thing.

4. How often do you exercise?
Not often.

5. Are you happy?
As happy as I could be? No.  But I don't exactly hate life either.

6. What are five of your hobbies?
I don't know that I have 5: reading, dabbling in photography umm.....yeah, I'm boring!

7. What's your favourite current tv show?
I still love Criminal Minds.  I'm also a big fan of Undercover Boss

8. Name one of your random dream dates.
A random dream date?  I dream of Gerrard Butler swooping in and sweeping me off my feet!

9. Do you play any mobile/computer/video games? Favourites?

10. How often do you deprive yourself of something?
Not often enough.

11. What is your favourite way to relax?
A bubble bath then curling up with a book or a movie, or going for a walk with the dog.

And I don't know anyone to tag in this so......