I'm moving next week. I hate moving. The only thing I like about moving is it is the only time I manage purge some of my crap. And man do I have crap. I'm a pack rat. I can thank my dad for blessing me with that habit. I've got a few garbage bags of clothes to donate, and a few books that I've never read and will probably never read to donate as well. The only other good thing about moving? The new place.
I currently rent a room in a smallish house. My room is really a glorified closet size-wise. Its small. All I have in my room is my double bed, a small book case and my night stand. and I have ZERO room to move. You open my door and its BAM! bed in your face. My dresser is in my small closet because there was no where else to put it. I will be moving into a two-bedroom place with a friend of mine and her fiance (yes, her fiance. I'm not concerned as he is rarely home due to a job that keeps him out of province for extended periods of time). My new room is delicious! It has space! I could probably put a king size bed in there and still have oodles of space to spare! I've been trying to figure out in my head how I'm going to set up my new space but I've come to realize I don't have enough furniture to properly fill it. S'ok, will just have to rectify that now won't we!? Now since it is an apartment painting won't likely be an option so will have to live with the bland beige, however I have every intention of purchasing some artwork to hang over my bed for a little visual interest. I also want to create a collage of some of my black and white photos on one of the walls. And of course I will have a space somewhere in the room devoted to photos of my nieces!
I'm looking forward to the change. (and getting away from my current roomie's passive-aggressive bullshit)
I've also been more than aware lately that I feel like shite. I'm eating like crap, in mass quantities. And my ass has been pretty much permenantly attached to the couch. The weather isn't helping the motivation either (seriously, 3 weeks of rain? Enough already). My soon-to-be-new-roomie wants us to work out together. Which is a great idea, I think. She, however, is in much better shape than I.
I recall one stint last summer of her and I wanting to be more active together. She was running at this point. Me, not so much. I wanted to run but I made it 15 feet and was begging for death to come and take me away. So I told her I would make it a point to walk several times a week to get myself up, out and moving. The park I like to walk is hilly so I was confident it would help me build up some endurance. After about 10 days of my hoofing it 9km each time out (thats 3 times around the lake/pond) she asks how the running is going. Um, running? Dude, I'm at least 50lbs overweight and not the most active being there ever was, I'm not running. She basically said at this point I should be running at least short distances, and she wont' be able to join up with me until I can. Great. 10 days may have been enough for your skinny-ass to get into a running groovy, but my ass will require more time.
I never made it.
She also likes EVERYTHING exercise: belly dance, Zumba, step, Tai-Bo, yoga.....she likes it all. Me, not so much. I think I'd like Zumba, but Tai-Bo and I don't get along well. And yoga: I really want to like yoga. I really really do. I just don't.
I just need a change in general. I'm hoping this move will be the beginning of that. New space that I can personalize to be more me. I also need a new do. This long hair stuff isn't for me. Screw the "but men like long hair"...good for them. On me, long hair doesn't quite work. I'm not talking going pixie kind of short, I just need something with shape and style that is easy to do. Still pondering the bangs issue. I'll probably go for it since it will be quite a change.
A new tattoo. I want one. Badly. I've had it on the brain for well over a year now I just can't make up my mind as to what I want to get and where I want to put it.
I've been feeling lately like I've lost myself somewhere along the way. I've had to be the responsible one for so effing long that I don't think I know how to *not* be responsible. I'm not saying I want to completely let go and go batshit crazy, but I do wish it was easier for me to loosen the inhibitions and just enjoy life and be more carefree. And to stop caring so damn much about what other people think of me.
Ok, moving along to something a little more uplifting....
I can't WAIT for this summer!
-little brother's prom and HS graduation
-Nancy will be in town for meetings...we plan to get together while she's here.
-Nancy will be in town again for the Metallica concert (I SO want to go!), there may be plans there to get together should timing and my craptacular work schedule allow.
-U2 concert in Moncton with Nancy! SO. EXCITED. And who knows what other events will take place that weekend (sidenote: N, we should discuss options for fun stuff to do...I know we've got plenty of time but, you know, because I'm crazy like this and like to plan.....)
-friend's engagement party
-my bday
-friend and her new baby will be home from AB for a few weeks. Looking forward to seeing her and the wee one.
-I'm on vacation the last week of August
-the possibility of attending a wedding in NB toward the end of the month
-oldest niece, A, starts school
-Miss M's 1st birthday
-Miss A's 5th birthday
Plus I plan to take lots of photo adventures along the way. I tend to be of the type that I don't like to do things on my own, so hopping in the car and heading out with my camera is something I *can* do on my own - in fact I prefer to do it on my own as I always feel like I'm holding people up while I stop to snap some shots. (Seriously, Heather (not sure if you read this or not) we need to get on planning something!)
So there is an update for you. I will try to not let another 6 weeks go by before I post again. Hopefully next time I'll have something exciting to post about.